
Jardinico: here comes the sun

  • Medium-sized and large enterprises
  • Cofinancing+
  • Growth

PMV proved to be a complementary partner with a financing solution that met our needs.

Bruno Vandeputte, owner Jardinico

It is not only the increasing number of Flemish wine growers that are benefiting from the increasingly warm temperatures in our region. Jardinico, a Harelbeek-based producer of high-end parasols and accessories for outdoor living, has also seen its turnover rise by 10% each of the last three years due to the hotter summers. To support this growth with extra working capital, Jardinico appealed to PMV financing, among others.

Jardinico originated in the 1960s as a ready-to-wear children’s clothing company. Sons Bruno and Bram Vandeputte soon realised that they had reached a dead end with ready-to-wear and diversified their activities towards garden furniture. In 2016, the two brothers went their separate ways, but the link between the two companies remained. Bram handles upholstery for garden furniture with Jardinico Cushions, while Bruno focuses on parasols (with upholstery by Bram’s company).

International growth market

Eighty per cent of production at Jardinico Parasols is destined for export. More than half of these are sold outside Europe, targeting the better garden furniture shops both directly and through importers. “In 2018, the range was expanded to include outdoor furniture. A hit: the complementary range offers new sales opportunities,” says Bruno Vandeputte. Strong volume increases also increased the need for working capital. After all, the parasol market is highly seasonal, with a high stock build-up during periods of low sales. For the – next three years, this resulted in a need of EUR 1 million, half of which PMV covered through Cofinancing+, supplemented by bank loans and its own financial effort. “PMV proved to be a complementary partner with a financing solution that met our needs,” concludes Bruno Vandeputte.

Visit the website of Jardinico:
