
Pulsify Medical

  • Start-ups & scale-ups
  • Life Sciences & Care
  • Portfolio Life Sciences & Care
  • Life sciences & care
Iwan van Vijfeijken, CEO van Pulsify Medical

Cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of death worldwide. Continuous cardiac monitoring and early warnings can save lives and improve health outcomes, which is our biggest motivator at Pulsify Medical.

Iwan van Vijfeijken, CEO at Pulsify Medical

Wearable patches for heart monitoring

Pulsify Medical, founded as a spin-off of imec and KU Leuven, develops wearable ultrasound patches to monitor vital organs in real time. For example, Pulsify Medical’s heart patch will be the first device to measure and monitor heart performance continuously and directly, both in the hospital and at home.

The aim is a smart and flexible ultrasonic ‘Smart Patch’ with thousands of sensors that monitor a variety of health parameters. The patch collects important data on the patient’s health, such as changes in the functioning of the heart. This information is relayed to both patients and doctors so that they can intervene more quickly if necessary, for example to prevent a heart attack. Although ultrasound technology is not new, fitting it into a flexible patch is a challenge. As the only player in the world, the Belgian growth company is on the right track to succeed.

Partners in ambition at Pulsify Medical

Pulsify Medical’s new technology meets the global need for continuous cardiac monitoring and the company has a great deal of expertise in this area. In the second part of its first financing round, Pulsify Medical raised €3.75 million in equity and a research grant of €1.65 million.

Besides PMV, Gemma Frisius Fonds and imec also joined the investors of the first Series A round, imec.xpand, KU Leuven and UZ Leuven.

With the money raised, Pulsify Medical can further develop and test the patch on healthy volunteers, which should then lead to the validation needed for a subsequent funding round. The patch should be on the market by 2025.

Investment team Pulsify Medical

Filip Goossens Senior investment manager filip.goossens@pmv.eu +32 (0)2 229 52 30