

  • Start-ups & scale-ups
  • Equity investments
  • Portfolio equity investments

Our tool automates the integration of data from multiple sources into the Data Vault, where it is available for further analysis across the enterprise. This allows business leaders to accelerate their time-to-market and reduce project risks.

Dirk Vermeiren, founder and CTO of Vaultspeed

Vaultspeed develops cloud software for Data Warehouse Automation. The technology centralises business data from a variety of sources very efficiently in the ‘Data Vault’. Business analysts can then quickly work with it, allowing business leaders to make better decisions based on that real-time analysis.
Vaultspeed was founded in 2018 in Leuven by Piet De Windt and Dirk Vermeiren, with the support of technology company Cronos. By 2021, the company was already active in Europe and the US, and Vaultspeed also won Japanese multinational Olympus as a client.

Partners in ambition at Vaultspeed

In March 2021, Vaultspeed raised 3.7 million euros led by investment fund Fortino Capital Partners. The funding is intended to further strengthen VaultSpeeds organisation, invest in software development and expand its international client base. In June 2022, growth appeared to have accelerated so much that additional funding was needed to support it. Fortino and PMV as a new investor joined hands for a bridge financing to a Series A round.

Investment team Vaultspeed

Vincent Hebbelynck Investment Director Equity Investments vincent.hebbelynck@pmv.eu +32 (0)2 229 52 30
Dany Vandevelde Investment Director Equity Investments Dany.Vandevelde@pmv.eu +32 (0)2 229 52 30