
Social real estate

Because building projects help to shape tomorrow's society, PMV invests in social real estate. After all, the evolution of our population and the changes in the way we live and work present us with the complex challenge of finding new solutions to the care needs of tomorrow. Through smart and sound financing solutions, PMV creates new opportunities for social real estate.

Vastgoed - maatschappelijk

PMV advises, guides and finances (semi-)public and private parties in finding solutions to the need for real estate for people in need of care. Together we look for new forms of cooperation where the focus is on the user and technology offers solutions for living quality, independence, sustainability and economic viability. In this way, PMV helps to shape future care needs in Flanders in a smart, efficient and sustainable manner. In cooperation with partners (both public and private), PMV realises new projects that enable the fulfilment of future care needs. At the same time, PMV questions whether the existing care infrastructure is still appropriate for a changing society. Are those buildings sufficiently flexible and do they support future needs? Together with you, PMV will gladly look into your social real estate projects.

Financing options for social real estate

The complex financing issues of social real estate call for innovative financing solutions. That is why PMV works with both capital participations and subordinated loans, complementing – of course – the role that PMV often plays as project director. PMV thus offers various ways to facilitate the financing of social real estate:


Do you want to know more about our financing solutions for social real estate?

Steven Adons Principal Investment Manager steven.adons@pmv.eu