
Investment plan: outline

Short guide to preparing an investment plan

When assessing your application for Cofinancing, PMV looks at your investment plan. This is an important part of your file. What should you pay attention to when drawing up your investment plan?

What should be included in an investment plan?

An investment plan always consists of two parts:

  • investments: which assets will you invest in?
  • financing: which means of financing will you use to realise all planned investments?

What should you pay attention to when making an investment plan?

When drawing up your plan, you need to keep in mind a few ground rules.

  • Both parts must be equal to each other.
  • The investments in the investment plan must always contain a price including VAT.
  • Take purchase costs into account.
  • An investment plan is an overview of new investments and financing. Such a plan therefore differs from your company’s balance sheet: a balance sheet takes into account all investments and financings.


Ludo wishes to start a hair salon which he will operate under his company ‘Ludo’s Hair BV’. He is applying for Cofinancing to help finance its start-up. Ludo has a total investment need of 275,000 euros. He can invest 50,000 euros himself and would like to borrow 50,000 euros from PMV. Ludo has found a bank that can provide a loan of 175,000 euros to help finance the purchase of the premises. Ludo’s barbershop investment plan looks as follows:

Investments Financings
Purchase of building 200.000 Bank loan 175.000
Furnishing building 26.000 PMV loan 50.000
Renovation works 15.000 Capital of the LLC 40.000
Furniture 10.000 Own contribution in kind 10.000
Equipment 10.000
Incorporation costs 2.000
Minimum treasury 12.000
Total 275.000 Total 275.000


On the investment side, the plan is composed as follows:

  • purchase of building: price incl. registration duties and notary fees;
  • furnishing building: 15,000 euro painting works, 10,000 euro re-laying of floor, 1,000 euro mirrors;
  • renovation works: 5,000 euro electricity works, 5,000 euro water pipe works, 5,000 euro centralised air conditioning;
  • furniture: 10,000 euro in hairdresser’s chairs brought in by themselves;
  • equipment: 5,000 euros in scissors, clippers, combs and hairdryers;
  • incorporation costs: incorporation costs with notary and incorporation costs with accountant;
  • minimum treasury: buffer to cover start-up and initial expenses.


The financing side is structured like this:

  • bank loan: mortgage loan with a bank;
  • capital of the LLC: Ludo will start the company with an initial capital of 40,000 euros;
  • contribution in kind: the furniture and the hairdresser’s chairs, will be contributed by Ludo in kind. These are therefore on the plan twice: once as an investment, once as financing;
  • so the total own contribution is 50,000 euros: 40,000 euros of the BV’s capital and 10,000 euros contribution in kind.