

Climate change is one of the biggest challenges facing our planet. More than elsewhere, the transition to renewable energy sources is also an opportunity in our region. PMV wants to help bring about the energy transition with investments (and expertise) in innovation, infrastructure and efficiency. In this way, it gives you the chance to play a role in the energy system of tomorrow.

By 2050, the European Union wants to be climate neutral. Finding answers to that energy challenge requires not only resources, but above all business ideas. Do you have concrete solutions for the transition to a low-carbon society? PMV is happy to offer you the resources as well as the expertise to make your idea a success. We already have experience. We were first-time investors in the development, construction and operation of onshore wind farms. Not only did we finance that evolution; we also provided expertise during the long and difficult development period inherent in the permit process of large wind turbines.

First movers

For more than 12 years, PMV has been successful in supporting emerging industries active in the energy transition. So feel free to call us ‘first movers’ growing a market. When the renewable energy sector gained momentum in Flanders, we actively contributed to the development and financing of solar farms and wind turbines, both at sea and on land. Meanwhile, those sectors are mature and we hardly invest directly in such renewable energy projects. But, of course, our work is far from finished.

Energy Service Company

By investing in ESCO companies – since 2017 – PMV also wants to contribute to greater energy efficiency. In an ideal world, this would not be necessary, as there is unlimited green energy available. But we are far from that yet. Meanwhile, the demand for electricity is rising sharply. Besides producing green energy, we therefore need to use energy as efficiently as possible today. The greenest energy? That’ s the energy we don’t consume. For every euro of private investment in energy efficiency, PMV therefore wants to mobilise an extra euro of public money. Any good team with a solid business model should be able to find financing.


Contact our energy expert

Tom Mortier Head of Energy Transition Tom.Mortier@pmv.eu +32 (0)2 274 64 48