
Clean tech & Industrials

Your company has aspirations to become a long-term stable and profitable business with a top position in its sector? Count PMV in as an investor. We want to be an ambitious entrepreneurial investor for companies with guts. Together with you, PMV wants to play a pioneering role in the Flemish economy.

Does your company have the ambition to become a global player with a vision for the future so that it can continue to play a leading role in a changing world for the next 50 years? At PMV, you will find the financing that matches your ambitions. We very much like to support companies with guts that seek innovative solutions to the social and economic challenges of today and tomorrow (digital scarcity of personnel and raw materials, mobility…), thus contributing to growth and development in Flanders.

Circular economy

Today, the Flemish objective of moving towards a circular economy offers many opportunities for cleantech companies developing sustainable solutions. Financing those companies is crucial: without access to capital, there will be no projects and without projects, there is no growth of the sector. The circular economy is also an opportunity for other companies looking to make their processes or products more sustainable. After all, the shift to a carbon-free world will have to happen on several fronts. PMV offers them the funding (and guidance) to make a positive ecological impact.

Manufacturing companies

However, several sectors face not only an ecological transformation but also a digital transformation in the next few years. Both are necessary. PMV likes to invest in companies that know how to link technology with a progressive vision and thus bring convincing products or services to the market that can conquer Flanders and the world. But not only young tech companies developing new technology find a patient investor at PMV. Local manufacturing companies that do not choose to outsource or delocalise their production and continue to innovate with technology and personnel from here should also be given every opportunity, is our opinion at PMV. We are happy to provide the financing to match.


Start-ups with a technology, product or solution that is scalable can come to us for appropriate funding, regardless of the sector in which they operate (energy, mobility, logistics, new materials, waste…). PMV has supported many start-ups in launching new products, and financed several breakthroughs of (sustainable) solutions or technology. But PMV also offers loans, capital participations and guarantees with the appropriate guidance to growers and companies wanting to go international.

Investment team clean tech & industrials

Lieven De Jonge Business manager Scale-ups & Industrials lieven.dejonge@pmv.eu +32 (0)2 274 63 73
Roald Borré Group Manager Venture Capital roald.borre@pmv.eu +32 (0) 2 274 63 71