
Friends Share

Through a Friends Share, individuals can invest up to €75,000 in a company with a Flemish operating location.

In return, they receive a tax benefit of 2.5% for up to five years.

As a company, you can thus raise up to 300,000 euros of fresh capital to strengthen equity.


For which entrepreneurs?

The issuer of the shares is a starting or existing SME or company with legal personality that has an operating location in the Flemish Region.

For which funding?

Friends shares are always newly issued shares. The company issuing the shares uses the amounts received exclusively for corporate purposes.



registered share


Activate Flemish savings and inject them into the economy

Fresh capital

up to €300,000

Investment amount

up to €75,000 per Friends Shareholder

Tax benefit Friends Shareholder

2.5% tax credit

Combination with Win-Win Loan

possible up to €75,000 per Friends shareholder/lender and up to €300,000 per issuer/borrower

4 steps to a Friends Share

1/ Subscribe to shares

The Flemish government gives tax benefits to individuals who invest in Flemish companies. Investors are individuals who subscribe to newly issued Friends Shares through capital contributions. These shares must be paid up in full.

2/ Make a report

Prepare a report on the issue price of the Friends Shares within three months of full payment. The report should then receive a positive review from a company auditor or an external accountant.

3/ Draw up an issue agreement

The Friends Shareholder and the issuer (the company issuing the shares) confirm in an issue agreement that the Friends Shareholder has subscribed to newly issued shares of the issuer through a capital contribution. The agreement must be drawn up and signed within three months of the Friends Shares being paid up in full.

4/ Registration

Submit the signed digital issue agreement along with the report to PMV via e-mail to vriendenaandeel@pmv.eu as soon as possible (no later than three months).

Registration or refusal of the agreement will be done within one month.

Conditions Friends Shares

FAQs about Friends Shares

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