

  • Start-ups & scale-ups
  • Equity investments
  • Portfolio equity investments
Founders investsuite

We want to bring our innovations to financial institutions around the world.

Laurent Sorber and Bart Vanhaeren - InvestSuite

InvestSuite is a B2B InvestTech company offering financial institutions around the world a range of powerful white-label investment solutions to help them deliver the best investment experience to their clients. The company grew to 70 employees over the past two years and now has offices in Leuven, London, Warsaw, Amsterdam and Sydney. It has more than 20 clients in 14 countries, mainly in Europe and the Middle East, and is expanding into Asia and North America.

Since its inception in 2018, InvestSuite has developed a suite of successful B2B InvestTech/WealthTech solutions for portfolio construction, digital investing and next-generation portfolio reporting.

Partners in ambition at Investsuite

InvestSuite announced the closing of a Series A investment round of €6 million in September 2022, bringing the total amount raised to €15 million since inception. In doing so, InvestSuite welcomed two new strategic investors, the Cronos Group and OSOM Finance, in addition to existing investor PMV.

“In the rapidly evolving WealthTech and InvestTech market, InvestSuite has developed a diversified product portfolio that financial institutions are looking at with great interest as it can provide them with the necessary tools to meet the needs of an emerging generation of investors. This round of funding will allow the company to further commercialise its product portfolio and become a reference within the financial sector.” Roald Borré, PMV

Investment team Investsuite

Robin Mees Senior Investment manager robin.mees@pmv.eu
Johan Keppens Principal investment manager Johan.Keppens@pmv.eu