
Senior loans rank equally with bank or other financiers who have a position with certain privileges based on specific collateral and/or a negative pledge. Often agreements are made among the senior creditors as a result of which, in the event of the failure of the borrower, all the creditors of equal rank are treated equally.

Senior loans are provided to companies with a conservative debt structure: a debt ratio (net senior debt) of maximum 3.5x Ebitda. These loans are truly tailor-made solutions that offer maximum flexibility for companies to optimise their debt structure according to their needs. In addition, a long deferral of capital repayments can be granted, as a result of which a senior business loan from PMV has a higher risk than traditional (bank) financing and lowers the overall risk profile of your business for the bank.

Depending on the type of senior business loan that we can offer you, additional criteria or benefits may apply. Our investment managers will be happy to explain these to you in a personal meeting.