PMV voor

Self-employed entrepreneurs and small businesses

Standard loan formulas and guarantees for starting, acquiring or growing a business

Contacteer een expert

Isabelle De Wit Head of Front Office Standard Loans PMV-Standaardleningen@pmv.eu +32 (0)2 229 53 10
Peter Sleeckx Head of Standard Guarantees peter.sleeckx@pmv.eu +32 (0)2 274 63 51

Standard financing up to EUR 700,000

As a sole proprietor, small SME or starting self-employed person, a combination of different financings is often the best solution. That is why PMV offers additional loans and guarantees to the bank or other financiers that can complete your financial picture. These not only complete your financing mix, but can also provide real leverage to win over other financiers. We also offer formulas that allow your friends or family to invest in your business in a tax-friendly way.

Thanks to Cofinancing+, we retain full ownership of Pajottenlander and can make our own choices.

Camille Depuydt - CEO Pajottenlander