PMV for

Start-ups and scale-ups

When you are a starter, scale-up or high-growth company and you do not have sufficient stable cash flows and need to bridge a significant investment phase.

Our specialised offering

PMV provides venture capital – always in co-financing with the market – both at an early stage and to more mature companies. This may range from limited tickets – often in as convertible subordinated loans – to large capital tickets.

PMV is different from many other capital providers. It has no pre-determined exit date and can therefore spend years working with your company to build its future. Moreover, it is an active but patient investor. PMV will try to meet your financing needs in the best possible way, taking into account both your needs and those of other stakeholders.

PMV raises capital for companies in various sectors, but has developed particular expertise in the Life Sciences & Care industry.

Contact an expert

Kenneth Wils Head of Life Sciences & Care kenneth.wils@pmv.eu +32 (0)2 274 63 83
Marie Delbeke Head of Equity Investments +32 (0)2 229 52 30

Capital for your business

Like any capital provider, PMV invests in order to create financial added value. But PMV also wants to create social added value and thus contribute to prosperity in Flanders. To this end, we cooperate with all capital providers in Flanders, giving us access to a broad network and expertise.

A solid business plan, a strong management team with a clear vision and a positive impact of your company on the Flemish economy are important criteria for any investment decision. We will be happy to look into your financing needs together.


We want to develop the best speed pedelec on the market and thus shape the mobility of tomorrow.

Jorrit Heidbuchel and Tomas Keppens, founders Ellio

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